Our representative on a team of three was the Lead Programmer Analyst. Project goals included development of an online web application for servicing Real Estate Brokers, Salespersons, Appraisers and Home inspectors in the State of Mississippi to apply for a new license, Renew their existing license, activate/inactivate licenses, and administration activities.

Overview of project deliverables: New License application module, License Renewal/Activate/Inactivate module, Administration module, Data conversion, Development of common reusable components, ASP.NET payment interface to handle online payment transactions.

Main technical skills utilized for project: Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5, SQL SERVER 2008, CSS, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JQUERY, Visual Studio 2008, AJAX, Microsoft Enterprise library, Ajax Extension, Crystal reports, Web services, IBM Clear case Clear Quest (Source control and Defect tracking)

Project summary including outcomes achieved: The online web application has been designed with the goal to provide services to the Resident or Non-resident Brokers, Salespersons, Appraisers and Home inspectors to do the following:

  1. Apply for new licenses – Completed
  2. Renew/Activate/Inactivate/Transfer their existing licenses – Completed
  3. Development of a common payment interface for ASP.NET applications to interact with NIC (Common payment interface for Mississippi enterprise applications) – Completed
  4. Administrative actions for the staff – In progress

  5. Data conversion – In progress

Awards/Client Appreciation Received : Contract has been extended till December 2014.
